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Tuesday Taizé

  • Swedenborg Chapel (map)

Needing a gentle, mid-week pause? We return to our monthly Tuesday Taizé services at the Swedenborg Chapel in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA. Join us for a candle-lit Taizé service of prayer, where we search for communion with God through community prayer, song, and silence. All peoples and faith traditions welcome. Led by cantor Stephanie Hollenberg, guitarist Luke Concannon, and Reverend Sage Cole.

Learn more about the Swedenborg Chapel here.


The Taizé Community is an ecumenical Christian brotherhood in Burgundy, France, composed of over 100 brothers from all over the world, from Catholic and Protestant traditions, a true “parable of community” that wants its life to be a sign of reconciliation between divided Christians and between separated peoples.

The brothers have opened their doors to the world, becoming a place of pilgrimage as they invite people to spend time with them and participate in their daily practices of prayer, sharing, and communal work.

The Taizé service of prayer is music-centric, using contemporary chants with short texts that are sung again and again, inviting individuals to meditate on the texts, deepen into them, pray through them. There is also a period of silence for personal reflection.

Learn more about the Taizé Community at

Earlier Event: April 5
Tuesday Taizé
Later Event: June 5
Luke + Stephanie @ GBCo!